The Fiat 500 to repopulate Salento with olive trees

The Fiat 500 to repopulate Salento with olive trees

The Fiat 500 to repopulate Salento with olive trees

What does the donation of an olive tree have to do with buying a vintage Fiat 500? Legitimate question.
We too asked ourselves when we tried to build an experience around the purchase of a vintage Fiat 500.


The answer we gave ourselves was: The fiat 500 accompanied Italy in the period of rebirth and optimism, therefore, in the same way, give an olive tree (and 1 liter of EVO oil) to every customer who buys a Fiat 500 from, will help revive the Salento area affected, in recent years, by xylella which has caused the death of countless olive trees, many of them centuries old.

Rebirth and optimism thanks to customers who decide to buy their vintage Fiat 500 from Garage Fiat 500.
So yes! The Fiat 500 to repopulate Salento with olive trees!

The adoption of the olive tree will be made in the name of the new owner of the vintage Fiat 500, and at the end of the first year, he can decide to continue contributing and therefore continue to receive EVO oil, or no longer renew the ‘adoption. In the latter case, you will no longer receive the oil, but your tree will continue to keep the name you gave it.

The customer:

  • He will be able to name the tree
  • You will receive 1 liter of EVO oil
  • You can visit the tree at any time
  • You will receive the unique certificate of adoption
  • You will be able to participate in the olive harvest
  • It will help reduce CO2 by 600kg per year
  • It will help repopulate the Salento area with new olive trees

All of this will only be possible thanks to the customers of Garagefiat500 and Olivami